For TV, I hope that very little will change. Networks may expect more of those shows that plan to renew, but network TV has always been a hard place for sci-fi. The impact will be felt from NBC eliminating an hour of programming so as to place Leno on. This means that NBC now must cut five hours of programming, and I don't actually expect to see Heroes Chuck and Medium survive. But I digress. I'm here to discuss the recession. Shows on the bubble, like Terminator and Dollhouse: Sarah Connor Chronicles might have to pitch difficult to be revived, but most of us saw that coming anyway.

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So girls who reckon that they should experience all the good times that their soap character has undergone are also very naive. While there's nothing wrong with reminding him to be intimate every now and then, don't bombard him with the your most recent fad as seen on Coronation Street. That's makes him feel as though he's worthless to compare him with soap star or a film star and tacky, annoying. If he did the same to 30, because you would not enjoy it, comparing him every once in a while is fine but don't constantly put him down.

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