There was no one. We had a pleasant swim around back and our inlet . The sun began to set and we decided we had better get back to the boat before it was dark. Am: War Museum and Visit Reunification Palace. Lunch to be best honeymoon cruises organizedin restaurant. Visit CuChi tunnel in the afternoon. 17:00 back Saigon. Diner on floating restaurant in Sai Gon river. [[|Overnight]] at hotel. [[|external frame]] The air was misty and damp. A light fog curled off the water and inland andout in the bay, poking eerily out of mist and the water were enormous limestone crags. It is the time of the day if you're lying on one of those chairs on the sundeck. Summer breezes and classic music, you would wonder how they match with each other, sipping on some wine. Buffet dinner began at 7p. M. Each table was lighed by a candle light. Local artists in such a closed and simple method played traditional musical instruments. We gathered on the sundeck, listening to the music. Squid fishing tried at the head of the ship. We went to bed early for tomorrow's program. Sailing trips around [[|halong bay cruise vietnam backpackers]]'s soaring limestone peaks are just another northern highlight . Legend has it, in the spikes of a falling dragon's tail , they're a humbling sight come shine or rain. In addition tobeing completely luxurious, yachting trips make the best holidays for a different reason- they are fun! And I do not just mean at night, there's also a lot [[|halong bay cruise vietnam backpackers]] bay cruise review .Many yachts havesail boats, water skis, wakeboards, kayaks, jet skis, bananas, and doghnuts on board. Therefore, if you have even the slightest amount of experience in you, get ready to for a thrill. There's nothing better then getting tossed around by the sea. Unfortunately, Huang had to spend his life in the wheelchair due to an accident. Everyone around had believed that Lethithao go back to Vietnam and would leave him behind. On the other side, Huang felt sad and disappointed with life and did not wish to be a burden to Lethithao, so he told her to leave him too. Butthis Vietnamese woman didn't do that. She worked harder than before and spared no effort to care for her husband carefully and thoughtfully even temper often threw to her.