A good title The title of a post is the first detail in which the readers of a blog are posted. Therefore, invest time in choosing a good title that invites reading the content of the text. The readers especially value the contents that besides being informative are practical because they offer solutions in a specific area. Include one of the keywords of the text in the title for better positioning. A close language The language of blogs is close, simple and [[http://Jobcoiffure.com/5-reasons-social-media-plays-an-important-role-in-the-promotion-of-business/|퍼스트카지노]] direct. Try the reader. It contributes contents of the value written in an understandable tone. You can link sources of consultation if you quote an author, a recent study or a news item. It is very important that you know what your target audience is, because only then can you create true communication. If you are clear about who you are going to, it will be easier for you to write your articles. Structure the main ideas Before starting to write about the main topic, create a structure for the text. Organize the main and secondary ideas of the same through an introduction, a development, and a conclusion. A type of structure that also offers good results is the organization of ideas in numbered lists. Editorial calendar A perfect article is not the result of the blogger's inspiration but the result of the work. Therefore, it is important to be constant in updating your blog content through the development of a weekly publication calendar. Format of articles Structure the articles in short paragraphs of around six lines. It is advisable that the extension of the post have between 500 and 700 words. However, more important than the number of terms is quality. Quality photographs Accompany your texts with quality photographs that illustrate the information of your article with visual content. Select royalty-free photographs through image banks. Pexels is a good proposal. Use literary resources It is not necessary to adopt a poetic style so that literary devices make sense in an article. Metaphors are especially visual to express an idea. Appeals to the reader Ask questions in your article that appeal to the reader so that they feel involved in the communication. You can close your article with a question to encourage readers to leave their ideas in the form of comments or share it on their social networks. Use synonyms To avoid repeating the same term many times throughout the article, it uses synonyms to provide a greater richness of vocabulary to the text. Remember that not only does it matter what you say but also how you say it. From the advice to write a perfect article, this idea is one that you should keep in mind. Back up your claims with data You can support your claims with statistical data or illustrate your ideas with clear examples. It is also advisable to repeat your main idea three times but does it using different words. Blog statistics Use Google Analytics for 007카지노 your content strategy. Through these data, you can track those topics that most interest readers of your blog. And this will give you ideas to write good articles. An original article Through the internet, you can find inspiration in other blogs of your same theme. However, your content must be original. If you offer something different from the others you will achieve that the readers do not feel that your articles are "more of the same". Theme adjusted to the line of your blog You can have many personal concerns, however, your blog should show consistency in the topics. Only in this way will you be able to specialize as an expert in a subject. Add Youtube videos Not only you can add photos to the text but also, YouTube videos that provide valuable content to the subject of the post. A timeless article A post to be considered successful is one that is a source of visits constantly. This occurs when dealing with timeless topics that are not subject to current events. For example, an article that deals with self-esteem advice will always be a current topic, which will allow you to update it and 퍼스트카지노 add or modify information over time. These tips to write a perfect article will help you to position your blog improving your online visibility and your personal brand. To Know more Visit ourWebsite